The mission of the Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO) is to champion the rights and welfare of retired employees from co-operative institutions throughout Kerala. To provide unwaver
Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO) envision a society where co-operative pensioners are respected, supported and empowered to live their lives in the fullest, free from mental and f
Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO) assures its members that it will be with them every step of the way. As members of the Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO) , its
“Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO)” is a union of retired employees of co-operative institutions in Kerala which has come in to its action with effect from 14th February, 2014. The inauguration of Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization KCPO was made by Sri.P.K.Kunhalikkutty, Hon’ble Minister for Industries and IT, Government of Kerala on those days at PMSA Pookkoy
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available simply free text, but the majority.
The following are considered to be the “Pioneer Fives”, who voluntarily united together and raised fund for themselves to form “Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO)”
Kerala Co-operative Pensioners’ Organization (KCPO) assures its members that it will be with them every step of the way..